100 Year Old Roast Duck at Bangkok’s Prachak

Hey, folks! It’s Daniel here, and today I find myself in the vibrant area of Bangkok, known as Bangrak, close to Yaowarat/Chinatown. This part of town is a food lover’s paradise, and today we’re diving into a 100-year-old gem that specializes in roast duck and roast meat.

They’ve got the whole spread – roast pork belly, tantalizing Chinese sausage, and of course, their signature roast duck. Join me as I take you on this delicious adventure.

I’ve got some friends along for the ride today, and we’re heading upstairs to this legendary restaurant. The whole building is a century old, giving it that authentic and rustic vibe. Let’s explore!

Oh, and you might wonder why we’re all sitting on one side of the table. It’s not just for the camera; it’s because Tony really wants to be in the spotlight! But hey, I don’t mind sharing the frame.

We’re diving right into a protein-packed adventure here. They offer different ways to enjoy your meal. You can go for a gram-worthy plate of meat or pair it with some fragrant rice. We’re definitely going for the duck, but hey, we might order a little bit of everything. Let’s start with the combo plate.

This place is fascinating because it’s a fusion of Chinese and Thai flavors. The base is still very Chinese, but the condiments and sides are all Thai. You’ll find sugar, chili, pickled chili, soy, and more. It’s an explosion of flavors!

Now, let’s dig into this combo plate. It’s got roast duck, Chinese sausage, roast pork belly, barbecue pork, and even a stuffed pork trotter that they slice up. That’s a lot of variety on one plate!

I must say, that crispy pork is where the magic begins. It’s oven-roasted, not deep-fried, which is how I prefer it. The layers in that pork belly are simply divine, and it’s bursting with flavor.

And then, there’s that head cheese-looking thing. It’s a textural wonderland, and I can’t quite tell what’s in it, but it’s a unique experience.

Chinese sausage – sweet and fatty, just like it should be. But here, it’s got an old-world charm.

Now, let’s talk about that sauce – it’s sweet, herby, and slightly organy, but in a good way. It pairs wonderfully with all the meat.

The star of the show is the roast duck. It’s tender and flavorful, and no wonder – they’ve been perfecting this for over a century.

And then, there’s the sweet Chinese sausage. A perfect balance of sweet and savory.

Interestingly, they serve pickles here, which is quite unusual for a Chinese dish, but it works remarkably well with the fatty meats.

Tony has ordered some noodles and wontons with extra duck. It’s another dimension of deliciousness!

Speaking of noodles, they have their own unique charm, especially with that brown sauce and the touch of lard. It’s comfort food at its finest.

Now, let’s get Italian with the meatball – it’s big, juicy, and packed with flavor.

We’ve tried everything on the plate, and I must say, the pork belly is the king here.

This place has been around since 1909, and it shows in the quality of their food.
But what about Mindy and Tony? Well, they’ve been enjoying the feast as well. Tony’s a fan of the roast duck, and he also loves Chinese sausage. Mindy, well, she’s been trying a bit of everything.

It’s important to note that when you dine at century-old restaurants in Asia, the flavor profile can be slightly different from modern takes on the dishes. It’s a part of the charm.

This place doesn’t have a Michelin star, which is a bit surprising considering its reputation. But hey, sometimes the best gems are hidden in plain sight.

The bill comes out to 550 baht, which is roughly $15. Considering the quality and variety of the food, it’s a steal.

If you’re in the Bangkok area, especially near Yaowarat or the Chao Praya River, this spot is worth a visit. It’s easy to reach and offers a glimpse into Old Bangkok. Plus, the food is a culinary adventure you won’t want to miss.

So, there you have it, a delicious culinary journey through this century-old roast meat haven. Thanks for joining us on this foodie adventure, and until next time, happy eating!



